Monday, February 16, 2009

Jakob Trollback

I think that he had a point when he started out his lecture saying that he just started designing stuff because I think that today, that is how a lot of people become interested and start out in the field of design, at least when you're young. I know that when i got interested in it, I thought it was "cool" and other people thought it was cool. It wasn't until later that I became interested in the underlying meanings and messages that designers can communicate. I also write poetry and that is a way for me to express feelings and messages, once I realized that I can do that through design, it became that much more intriguing to me. Getting people to be engaged and involved in the work is the whole point and purpose of design.
I'm not surprised that music inspired him, even if he wasn't a DJ before he started into design because I think that music is connected to just about every art form in some way. It has a way of influencing, inspiring and taking over a lot of art and design. Even if it doesn't specifically influence a certain project, just about everyone has a kind, or multiple kinds of music that they listen to, which can influence their lifestyle, which ultimately could influence the way they think, learn, and design. It's amazing to think about the impact that music really does have.
"We try not to work with Republicans...people who are wrong for us" LOL. I guess that way everybody is happy. I wouldn't want to work with someone who's ideas don't agree with mine, it would creat a conflict, I think in the end product. One or the other would probably be unhappy. I guess sometimes, though, as designers, you have to stick it out. I just think that if a designer is into the work, it will turn out better than if they hate it.

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