Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Absolute Measurement-measurements of fixed values. measurements expressed in fixed terms that cannot be altered, ie: points and picas.

Relative Measurement-measurements that have no perscribed, absolute size, ie: character spacing.

Points-the unit of measurement used to measure the type size of a font. Refers to the height of the type block, not the letter itself. Equivalent to 1/72 of an inch.

Picas-unit of measurement equal to 12 points that is commonly used for measure lines of tpe. There are 6 picas (72 points) in an inch.

x-height-the height of the lowercase 'x'. It varies from typeface to typeface. Also used as key reference point in layout of designs.

The em-a relative unit of measurement used in typesetting to define basic spacng functions, and therefore it is linked to the size of the type. If typesize increases, so does the size of the em.

The en-unit of relative measurement queal to half of one em. An en rule is used to denote nested clauses, but it can also be used to mean 'to' in phrases such as 10-11.

Dashes (hyphen, en, em)-en and em used in punctuation to provide a measurement for dashes. Not the same as a hyphen, but related. An en is half of an em, a hyphen is one third of an em. Hyphens used to link words, for compound words etc. En dash used to separate page numbers, dates and to replace the word to in constructions implying movement. Em dash used to form lines and house nested clauses.

Justifcation-uses three values for type setting: minimum, maximum and optimum values. Words spacing is irregular in justified type.

Flush Left-The alignment of text or graphics up against the left side of the page

Flush Right-The alignment of text or graphics up against the right side of the page

Letterspacing-the addition of space between letters to improve visual look of type.

Kerning-the removal of space between letters to improve the visual look of type, manually or automatically.

Tracking-the amount of spacing between the characters

Word Spacing-the amount of space between words

Widow-a single word as last line of a paragraph

Orphan -A line of type beginning a new paragraph at the bottom of a column or page

Leading-refers to the space between lines of text in a text block.

Indent-text lines that are moved in from the margin by a specified amount.

First Line Indent- the text indented from the left margin in the fist line of the second and subsequent paragraphs.

Hanging Indent-the indentation from the left or right margin that affects several text lines, but first line is not indented.

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